We just wrapped up our Gears of War 2 wallpaper section by adding four new Gears of War 2 wallpapers that we created exclusively for HolyFragger.com. These look like the final wallpapers that we'll be creating for Gears of War 2.
The first, and perhaps our favorite, wallpaper features Marcus Fenix dueling it out with the Skorge!
The other three feature the Locust Horde, Human COGs, and Marcus and Dom riding a Reaver!
Make sure and head over to our Gears of War 2 wallpaper area to check them out!
We also recently added screenshots of the three new maps (Flood, Gold Rush, Fuel Depot) from the recently released Combustible map pack. You can see the new screenshots in our Gears of War 2 pictures area!
Along with the new screenshots, we added a new video that takes you through a quick tour of the three new maps in the Combustible Map Pack. Augustus Cole gives us a quick rundown and flythrough of the maps, as well as a couple ideas for tactics to use in the maps.
You can see the new video in our Gears of War 2 videos area!