There has been a lot uncovered by the Sony email leak. Here is what GameFragger found when searching through the Wikileak archives on the Uncharted movie.
What will the movie be like?
Jonathan Kadin Senior Vice President of Columbia Pictues went into detail when comparing the film to the National Treasure movies saying
"National Treasure is fun no doubt, but Uncharted takes the action adventure movie to a more grounded, contemporary and visceral level, and we need to do that given what audiences have been exposed to since the national treasure movies. So, we'll get the kids for sure, but we'll have a movie that can be strong enough and "cool" enough - for adults."
Here is a part of the script (before it got revised) and it seems as if it does differ from the National Treasure movies.
***Spoilers?*** View full script
Nathan walks over. Peter Gently pushes down on the jaw of one of the buried men. Sees something inside his mouth. He reaches in and pulls out a FADED GOLD RING.
It bears the crest and motto of famed 16th century explorer SIR FRANCIS DRAKE.
He looks to Leni. Holy Shit. This could be it. Peter manipulates the ring and the opposing sides MOVE. Like unscrewing a cap... Little indentations protrude from its sides... like a gear, but we don't know what they mean yet.
The chanting all around them escalates. Off young Nathan, sharing in his parents' excitement, we RETURN TO: PRESENT DAY
As far as the cast goes Mark Wahlberg, Channing Tatum and Chris Hemsworth have all been considered for the role of Nathan Drake and Emma Stone for the part of Elena. While none of these are certain, it appears Seth Gordon will be the Director.