Project Wight is set in an alternate history during the Viking age where humanity occupies the Earth with the last remnants of a dying mythological species. With that premise, you'd assume you'd be playing as a Viking warrior, tasked with exterminating the monstrous race once and for all, right? Wrong! In
Project Wight, you play as the monster, tasked with fighting off Vikings hell bent on eradicating you and your kind.
In the gameplay video below, you see how gameplay differs from when you're just a weak, newborn Wight and how you become a powerful adult, capable of tacking on a small militia. For more updates, follow the production team on Facebook at
Project Wight is the codename for the first game from independent studio The Outsiders.
The Outsiders are led by David Goldfarb, former Lead Designer on Battlefield 3 and Game Director on PayDay 2.