Developed by Dead Drop Studios, Outbreak: The New Nightmare is a sequel to the 2017 survival horror title, Outbreak. Following the events of the original game, a group of survivors must brave the streets that are filled with monsters to reach safety.
Paying homage to the original resident evil titles, this game plays with more classic take controls and carrying resources and weapons that will best help the player survive the experience. Drop Dead Studios founder Evan Wolbach stated when it came to the survival horror genre, “Retro survival horror games don’t really get made anymore. The recent Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3 remakes are the closest we’ve come. Games like Resident Evil: Outbreak weren’t made at all … at least not until now! I happen to love retro/classic games and survival horror games in particular, so I knew there was a market for this type of unforgiving, hard-as-nails experience. That’s the genesis of the first Outbreak (originally a top-down 2D game) and now Outbreak: The New Nightmare.” Thankfully, a new generation of players can experience real survival horror as the title has officially released today!
Aside from the essential single-player experience, players will be able to enjoy local split-screen co-op, improved graphics and performance, additional characters and stories along with some massively rebalanced weapons, a new weapon called the DMR, an improved AI, and a nightmare difficulty mode! The updates prove that this is the best time to try out a long-forgotten era of horror video games, and what better way than to check out Outbreak: The New Nightmare?
The title is available to purchase on consoles such as Xbox One and Playstation 4 along with Steam! Make sure to check out the trailer below and don't forget to share your thoughts in the comments below!
Paying homage to the classic Resident Evil Outbreak games, Outbreak: The New Nightmare is the first fully 3D title in Dead Drop Studios’ Outbreak series – and the sequel to Outbreak (released in 2017). Prepare yourself for an unforgiving survival horror experience that’s seldom seen today as you scavenge for supplies, explore environments with multiple characters (each with their own attributes), and struggle to survive against the undead – now more horrifying than ever!
Outbreak: The New Nightmare is available to play now for Xbox One and Playstation 4 for $12.99 and learn more about the game here!