Beginning as a novel series by Andrzej Sapkowski, the fantasy series follows a mutant monster hunter named Geralt of Rivia, who is also called a Witcher. He meets various characters who will range from friends, lovers, mentors, and students throughout the series. Following the books, a game series was released by CD Projekt Red, and is its third installment, The Witcher III: Wild Hunt, is widely considered one of the best games of the previous console generation.
Last year a series based more on the books was released on Netflix titled, The Witcher and starred Henry Cavill as Geralt. The show was a massive hit and was greenlit for a second season almost as fast as the first season came out! Sadly, as the following year saw the COVID-19 pandemic put the world on hold, so was production on the new season of the series.
Thankfully, as the world adapted to this new normal, production on the new season began but was forced to be put on hold almost as quickly due to some positive cases of COVID-19. It was not revealed how many, with only an Instagram post by Cavill confirming the hiatus. Now, with about two weeks of quarantine passed, production appears to be back on, with some photos revealed of lighting rigs and sets of a town being built at Arborfield Studios.
While there is no confirmation from cast or crew that production is fully happening again, at least set building is taking place. We would love to hear your thoughts on the news or set photos in the comments below!
The Witcher follows the story of Geralt of Rivia, a solitary monster hunter, who struggles to find his place in a world where people often prove more wicked than monsters and beasts. ... Geralt of Rivia is a witcher, a mutant with special powers who kills monsters for money.
Season 2 of The Witcher is coming soon on Netflix!