In an interview with IGN, the directors of Monster Hunter World explained why the anticipated title would not have a presence on Nintendo's handheld hybrid. System hardware and a lengthy development time appear to be key factors in the decision.
Monster Hunter World entered development four years ago, long before the Switch had been announced. It also seems like the Switch just isn't up to task when it comes to the type of hardware and processing power that is necessary for a game like this. Directors Kaname Fujioka and Yuya Tokuda spoke at length about the game's absence on the Switch:
"for every title, we decide what the best fit for hardware is for the concept. We don't just look at everything. It's more like “if we want to achieve this kind of game concept, where's the best place to achieve that?” and for this title, the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One were the best fit for us."
There is still some good news for Monster Hunter fans as Monster Hunter XX is coming to the Switch in Japan, but, at this stage, there is no word about a Western release.