In a fictional near future, Washington D.C. is shaken by several strange events resulting in heightened local and national tensions. John Adams, the enigmatic leader of a shadow organization known as the Trust, realizes that the nation’s capital has come under attack by an alien race called the Drudge. A former Secret Service agent, codenamed "Mr. Ford", is recruited to learn the origins of this attack. The answer Mr. Ford finds is not the one he expects.
The Conduit is a straightforward First Person Shooter (FPS) in the style of Halo, MOH: Heroes 2, and Resistance: Fall of Man. Players battle enemy forces in a highly detailed 3D
world using a dynamic control scheme only possible on the Wii.
Release Date: June 23, 2009
Publisher: Sega
Developer: High Voltage Software
ESRB Rating: Rating Pending
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