Metal Max is a role-playing adventure game series that has been around since the first game's launch on the Super Famicom all the way back in 1991. While the series has managed to stay relevant in Japan, only one game in the franchise was localised outside of the Asian country.
Metal Saga is the fourth game in the series and the first to be localised outside of Japan, although it wasn't received positively, getting criticisim for its unconventional gameplay and dated graphics—a trait that, to be quite honest, has always been almost a staple of the franchise.
Metal Max Xeno—which is the sixth game in the franchise—was announced to come out in the West for the PlayStation 4, earlier this April, but we didn't get an official release date for it until today that NIS America—current publisher for the game—shared a brand new trailer that shows off some of the characters and sheds some light on the plot.
Celebrating it's 25th Anniversary, METAL MAX Xeno is a new chapter in the venerated series! Join Talis, a lone wanderer, as he deploys his faithful tank to take on the harsh wasteland in this RPG of post-apocalyptic proportions!
Metal Max Xeno will be available for the PlayStation 4 this 25th of September.