Hot on the heals of the SS3 Broly and limited edition announcement, NAMCO BANDAI Turns the heat up further on Dragon Ball: Raging Blast with the announcement of a second game-exclusive brand-new character, Vegeta Super Saiyan 3. Following in the footsteps of Broly Super Saiyan 3 recently revealed as an exclusive new character for the hotly anticipated title, the Vegeta Super Saiyan 3 character transformation has never previously appeared in either the anime, movies or any of the previous video games, making his world debut in Dragon Ball: Raging Blast this November.
Never before has Vegeta been able to reach the Super Saiyan 3 transformation stage, and so for the first time he can meet his bitter rival Goku Super Saiyan 3 on even terms for the ultimate mountain-smashing Dragon Ball duel.
The content-packed Limited Edition and the standard retail version are scheduled for launch across North America on November 10 for the Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system from Microsoft and PlayStation 3.
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