Steven Universe Future will be premiering in December, Cartoon Network has announced a new mobile game based on the popular animated series. Steven Universe: Unleash the Light is a role-playing game that's currently exclusive to iOS and Apple devices via Apple Arcade.
It's now available to play on both iOS mobile devices, Apple TV, and Mac. You'll be able to play as Steven, Garnet, Pearl, Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, and Bismuth (but not Peridot, apparently). As well, you'll be able to combine some of these characters into Fusions. It's believed that the voice cast of
Steven Universe will reprise their roles.
The mobile game features an all-new story co-written by series creator Rebecca Sugar. Steven Universe: Unleash the Light also introduces two new gems in Demantoid and Pyrope — who appear to be the villains of the piece. Get your digital copy and find out more over on
the game's official Apple Arcade page.