Inspired by Gundam, Macross, and the Ace Combat series, Project Nimbus: Complete Edition is a high-speed Mech action game that will see players taking control of some powerful, and fully armed Battle Frames; or giant Mechas, as more widely known.
Project Nimbus was originally released on Steam back in 2017, and the
Complete Edition that has just released for the Nintendo Switch is a remastered version that keeps all of the game's elements intact, such as some heated mech battles, 26 action-packed missions that will take players to varied locations; including marine fortresses and even space.
The game's
Complete Edition is also including some additional modes that will have players selecting a plethora of Battle Frames in order to survive endless waves of enemies, as well as a Warfront mode that includes six unlimited mission modes such as Base Defense, Interception, and Assassination; giving players a wide variety of missions to tackle at their leisure.
Check it out:
Project Nimbus is a high-speed mech action game set on a devastated future Earth, where the player maneuvers a weaponized humanoid general-purpose Battle Frame. Engage enemy units with various weapons and defeat huge bosses and unique ace pilots!
Project Nimbus: Complete Edition is available for the Nintendo Switch today.