The World Masterpiece Theater anime franchise brings back childhood memories of shows like Anne of Green Gables and Story of the Alps: My Annette for people of a certain age. However, Capcom has decided to team up with Nippon Animation to create a one-of-a-kind homage to both Resident Evil 4 and the storybook animation franchise, and the results are hilarious.
In the advertisement, Leon is looking for Ashley Graham in what is meant to be the unnamed Spanish village from the game, but instead he is in a location that is identical to Story of the Alps: My Annette while random Ganado charge at him for having the audacity to ask if they've seen Ashley anywhere, which ultimately leads to a funny conclusion, particularly for those who have previously played the game. On March 24, Resident Evil 4: Remake will be made available for the Playstation 4 and 5, Xbox Series S/X, and PC through Steam.
Make sure to watch the English subbed version of the ad for episode 1 below!
Let us know your thoughts about the comical spoof of the game in the comments below!