Wizard of Legend is a fast-paced ungeon crawler that focuses on magical combat. The game is published and developed by independent video game studio Contingent99, and is currently available for the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Steam.
Wizard of Legend, players will take on hordes of enemies by casting spells, and unleashing devastating combos as they master their magical abilities. Players can discover powerful spell combinations and use the ones that suit their game style best. Co-op mode is also available so players can take a friend and help them tackle the
Chaos Trials. If any of the players falls in battle, the other canbring back its friend by defeating multiple enemies.
Sicne the game focuses so heavily in combat, players will need to be quick when moving to avoid attacks, and when casting spells even. The game also features procedurally created levels with random and pre-crafted rooms, promising to offer a new challenge every time.
Wizard of Legend is a fast-paced dungeon crawler with an emphasis on dynamic magical combat for one or two players. Quick movement and even quicker use of spells will allow you to chain spells together to unleash devastating combinations against your enemies and achieve mastery over magic!
Wizard of Legend is available on the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Steam now.