After pulling a switch-a-roo on us this week and delaying this week's challenges until Thursday (which will be the new norm),
Fortnite Battle Royale's Battle Pass challenges for season 4, week 5 are now live. The challenges are slightly different than what was leaked over the weekend, but they are still pretty doable.
Here are the Battle Pass challenges for
Fortnite Battle Royale season 4 week 5:
Deal damage with SMGs to opponents (500)
Search chests in Dusty Divot (7)
Use a Vending Machine (3)
Dance with others to raise the Disco Ball near Loot Lake (1)
Follow the treasure map found in Greasy Grove (HARD) (1)
Minigun or Light Machine Gun Eliminations (2)
Eliminate opponents in Lucky Landing (HARD) (3)
It looks like Epic swapped out the "use a jetpack" challenge for "use a vending machine." Instead of "search gravity stones," you must now also "dance with others to raise the Disco Ball near Loot Lake." This one might take a while if you don't already have a squad of friends who play as it requires you to work together with 3 others to stand on four tiles in the corners of the factory and dance at once. Good luck coordinating that with a bunch of randoms.
As for the rest of this week's challenges, they are all pretty straightforward. However, if you need some help, here's a cheat sheet, courtesy of