Sheltered is a post-apocalyptic survival game developed by Team17 in conjunction with Unicube and is published by Team. The game was originally released for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Steam in march of 2016.
According to the developer,
Sheltered gives a whole new meaning to the term "nuclear family" , by having players taking on the role of four family members who managed to survive a global catastrophe in a deserted shelter; scavenging for supplies in order to protect all members of this family.
Today, Team17 has revealed that
Sheltered will become available for the Nintendo Switch on the
18th of December, with a new trailer that shows off some of the gameplay players should expect from this title. The Nintendo Switch version of
Sheltered will include some extra content in the form of additional scenarios "Surrounded" and "Stasis", as well as all of the core elements that make this game a proper survival title.
Take a look:
Panting, scared, the shelter airlock smashes down behind you. You wish you did not have to go outside, but you do. It would be easier to give up. But you don’t. The hardship, the hunger, the thirst. The fear. You keep reminding yourself why you stay alive.
Sheltered will become available for the Nintendo Switch on the 18th of December.