Nicky, who goes by "Dickhiskhan" on Twitch, has posted a video, revealing his experience filming his role as a Splatoon pro-league Captain in the reveal trailer for the Switch. It took two call backs during the casting process for Nicky to even realize what it was he was filming. His
Twitch stream is down, but
Kotaku was able to capture and summarize most of what he shared:
His portion of the commercial was shot in Vancouver, where he lives.
Nick initially decided to go to a casting call for a "commercial seeking gamers" after the urging of his bandmates.
Even after he landed the part after two callbacks, he still had no idea what he was shooting a commercial for.
During the actual shooting of the commercial, his cell phone was taken away for 12 hrs.
He's currently under a NDA to not reveal anything that wasn't already revealed in the trailer.
No one in the trailers actually played any Switch games.
However, Nicky did get to hold the controllers, which he said felt "very comfortable."
You can catch Nicky in action at the 02:39 mark in the trailer below.
As previously reported here on Gamefragger, Nintendo doesn't plan to
reveal any additional details on the Switch until 2017.