When Nintendo announced plans to release an Anniversary console, the NES Classic or Mini-NES, a $60 purchase that would come pre-installed with 30 classic video games such as Zelda, the original Final Fantasy and Castlevania many non-gaming outlets covered the news. After all, Pokemon Go is generating a ton of clicks for quite a few mainstream media sites, so the decision to expand Nintendo coverage had to be an easy decision. However a few overzealous outlets believed they'd
stumbled upon a similar device being released by Sega, the Mega Drive, which would come pre-loaded with 80 games.
Well, the Sega Mega Drive is actually made by a Chinese company called AtGames and is just a frequently malfunctioning emulation box that's been around since 2012. Their simply releasing a new version that will come pre-loaded with more games. The product doesn't actually contain any internal Sega hardware and suffers from poor sound and graphic and all too often, stops working a few months after purchase. AtGames is simply looking to ride the current wave of publicity surrounding the Mini-NES and the upcoming 25th Anniversary of Sonic the Hedgehog.
When/If Sega actually produces a mini-console with conventional graphics and durability, we'll let you know.