Over the years there have been countless installments in the Pokémon franchise. These started with Pokémon Red and Blue (and Green) on Game Boy and continued through the current Pokémon Sword and Shield on Switch, not to mention Pokémon Go on mobile.
With dozens of games in the ranks, it should come as no surprise that new information is being uncovered by data-miners nearly every day that fans were completely unaware of while playing the titles the first time around. While much of the data-mining has been focused on the initial games to learn about unused or altered pocket monster designs, recent attention to two particular titles has uncovered previously unheard-of information.
The titles in question are Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, the fourth generation of games from GameFreak. It was recently revealed via a series of tweets that spawn rates in these games are different on certain days -- specifically holidays and dates upon which tragedy has befallen the human race.
For the first revelation, it was announced that Eggs receive a ten percent increase in hatch speed on certain holidays, such as the birthday of Junichi Masuda, the man responsible for directing the franchise itself.
Secondly, it was revealed that certain holidays net an increase in encounter rates.
Lastly, and possibly the direst of them all, is the reveal that creature spawn rates decrease by ten percent on days of a tragedy such as 9/11 or Hiroshima.
Did you notice the spawn rate differences when playing Diamond and Pearl? Check out the retro trailer for the decade-old titles below and share your thoughts in the usual spot!
Like previous Pokémon games, Diamond and Pearl chronicle the adventures of a young Pokémon trainer as they train and battle Pokémon while also thwarting the schemes of a criminal organization.
Pokémon Diamond and Pearl are now available on the Nintendo DS.