Pokken Tournament DX for Nintendo Switch launches on the 22
nd September 2017 with 5 new characters and brand new game modes to occupy both new and old players.
The new Pokemon include: Darkrai, Scizor, Empoleon, Croagunk and Decidueye from Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon.
The brand new game modes include a 3 versus 3 game mode, similar to Marvel Vs Capcom, where players choose 3 Pokemon to take into battle with them, as opposed to just 1 and a support.
Pokken Tournament DX takes advantage of the Nintendo Switch with the ability to play with a single Joy-Con Controller in portable mode, so players are always ready to battle.
The game also features online multiplayer with Ranked Battles and Players Battles, for the competitive and casual players.
Pokken Tournament DX will, also, be available to play at the upcoming E3!