The Nintendo Switch includes a few vital accessories, but it's now been revealed that the Joy-Con Grip included with the console is not actually capable of charging the controllers. You use that Grip to create a separate gamepad, but the one in the box is basically just a plastic mount - the version which actually charges them up is something you're going to have to buy separately. That's pretty annoying, right?
You can still charge the two Joy-Con halves by connecting them to the Switch itself, but if you're planning to use it as a console rather than a mobile device, you'll have to spend extra on this charger.
That's something which looks set to be particularly problematic for multiplayer fans as only one set of Joy-Con controllers can be clipped to the console at any one time, so if someone runs out of charge, they'll have to sit out of the action while they wait to get some charge back. This is no doubt going to infuriate some gamers, but at least it's still a lot better than the Wii's battery powered controllers!