More sesoned players who grew up in the 90s, during the 16-Bit era, may remember the friendly feud that Sega and Nintendo had — especially when it came to their marketing campaigns; throwing jabs at each other in amusing ways.
Many players plrobably remember the classic "Sega Genesis does what Nintendon't", which is one of the jabs that Sega would throw Nintendo in order to get more people to buy their consoles and first-party titles like
Sonic the Hedgehog and many more.
Today marks the 30th anniversary of the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive, and Sega has released a trailer for the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive Mini — which harkens back to the very same trailer they released 30 years ago with the classic "Sega Genesis does what Nintendon't" line; with the only difference being that now they aren't dissing other video game companies.
Check it out:
Sega Genesis/Mega Drive Mini will become available on the 19th of Setpember.