Street Fighter franchise started back in 1987 and this year Capcom are celebrating their 30th anniversary with a few things that will make fans very happy.
For starters, they released the
Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection just yesterday. The Collection comes with 12 games from the
Street Fighter franchise and add a tonne of content like concept art, Online modes, and interactive timeline—amongst other features. More characters are coming to
Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition, which could also be considered part of the celebration, especially after the very troubled launch.
Now, Capcom and BigBoysToys have teamed up to bring us the
Street Fighter "You Lose" USB Flash Drives collection. Each of the flash drives have a storage capacity of 32Gb and features 6 of the 12 characters from
Street Fighter II: The World Warrior—all characters can also be dettached from the flash drive. The "You Lose" flash drives are available for pre-orders right now and each cost $38USD and can be purchased from the
official BigBoysToys site.