The world of choice based gaming has permeated a lot of the RPG and third person character driven games. Playing a game with the idea that your choices can affect the narrative and change how a game can feel is something that has been done in some of the best ways.
Some games that come to mind almost immediately would be the Fable franchise, The Witcher, and event the Oregon Trail. With that gameplay idea in mind, developers at Poetic and distributors at Iceberg interactive have decided to bring a new RPG, choice based title to the forefront with Sacred Fire.
Set in Scotland during a period when the threat of ancient Rome is on its way to conquering their homeland, the players completely customizable character goes on a journey where their choices fully impact hte narrative. With full character customization to help really make the story feel singular, players can chose how to interact, respond and manipulate characters in the game to achieve their objectives.
A new trailer was shown during this year's Gamescom that features a narration from Doug Cockle, the voice of Geralt from The Witcher! Make sure to share your thoughts in the comments below and don't forget to check out the new trailer
Sacred Fire is a narrative RPG in which your humanity and emotions impact your fight for survival and inner freedom. Inspired by ancient Caledonia, the story follows a group of resistance fighters and their rise to power.
Sacred Fire is coming to PCs in 2021!