Each and every month, PlayStation gives away a selection of awesome games for free to those that are subscribed to their premium service. The main draw of PlayStation Plus is the ability to play online games, however, the occasional bonuses are an appreciated extra.
For instance, Need for Speed Payback and Vampyr were both available for free to PlayStation Plus subscribers in October. However, that selection of games has now been replaced. Middle Earth: Shadow of War and Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition are both now available for free to PlayStation Plus subscribers on PlayStation 4 (via PlayStation Blog).
Middle Earth: Shadow of War is an action role-playing game that launched back in 2017 as a follow-up to the acclaimed Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor. As you may have figured out from the name, it's based on the iconic J.R.R. Tolkien fantasy stories: The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings (specifically taking place between the events of the two trilogies).
Hollow Knight is a 2D action-adventure metroidvania game that also initially launched back in 2017. Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition is the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One port that followed in 2018 and includes four additional content packs. Traverse a plague-infested kingdom, fighting bosses and unlocking new abilities to progress through the mysteries of the kingdom.
Additionally, what with the PlayStation 5 launching later this month; Bugsnax will be the first free PlayStation Plus game available on the next-generation console. Explore a mysterious island and capture the eponymous half-bug-half-snack creatures. The game launches on November 12th along with the PlayStation 5 wherein it will be free to PS Plus subscribers until next month.