The Nioh franchise is fairly new compared to other franchises and games by Team Ninja, most notably the Ninja Gaiden series. Releasing back in 23017, the series takes the historical character of William Adams (the first of two western samurai) and adapts his story in a fantastical retelling complete with giant beasts and supernatural sword fights.
With the release of the PlayStation 5, things have been a little crazy in terms of securing a copy of the console. This, however, hasn't stopped Sony from dishing out more news and updates about what is to come for the console. The latest news is that the first two Nioh titles are not only coming to the PS5 but being featured in a new collection and completely remastered!
Promising faster load times, a top to bottom remaster, and running at 120fps; The Nioh Collection makes sure that it stands out from the crowd and is very much deserving of a place in the next generation. A new trailer has been released for the collection that shows off some of the gameplay that will be featured in the new versions of Nioh and Nioh 2, and the games look better than ever.
For anyone wanting to get into this franchise, it is probably best to hold off until its release in February of next year to get the complete experience. We would love to hear your thoughts on this news in the comments below!
In this expansive collection, journey through Sengoku-era Japan to face nightmarish foes and legendary warriors in blisteringly fast hardcore combat. Master the way of the samurai in Nioh, then unleash your inner darkness in Nioh 2 – each expertly remastered and enhanced for PS5™.
The Nioh Collection will be available for the PS5 on February 5th, 2021!