A new installment in the Double Dragon franchise was released today by Arc System Works, who purchased the rights to the franchise back in 2015. For Double Dragon IV, Arc brought back the original director, character designer, composer, and programmer from Technos. The game hit the PlayStation network today and will be available on Steam tomorrow.
Check out the trailer below.
History of Double Dragon Console Releases
1988 - Double Dragon (NES)
1989 - Double Dragon II: The Revenge (NES)
1991 - Double Dragon III: The Sacred Stones (NES)
1992 - Super Double Dragon (Super Nintendo) - the last game produced by the original Technos team
1994 - Double Dragon V: The Shadow Falls (Super Nintendo, SEGA Genesis)
2012 - Double Dragon Neon
Chronologically, Double Dragon IV is set after the events of Double Dragon II and the defeat of the Shadow Warriors.