At this point, the Mobile Suit Gundam franchise has been around longer than most of its fans have been alive. It has fostered decades of stories and hundreds of different suit designs that have been translated not only on the screen but in manga, real-life, and of course, video games.
Gundam video games have been around to see multiple console generations and various arcade cabinets. Probably the most prominent Gundam arcade series has been the Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme Vs. franchise.
Beginning in 2001, the franchise has released many arcade titles under the same 2v2 gameplay style. Most recently, Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme vs. Maxiboost ON has been the newest arcade game released in 2016.
Many of these arcade games have been ported to at-home consoles, and Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme vs. Maxiboost ON is no exception. Coming to consoles this July, a brand new promo has been released for the game, celebrating its history with a man reminiscing about playing an older title with his friends, only to find that his friends will be joining him to play this new title. Make sure to check out the heartwarming promo below, and don't forget to share your thoughts in the comments!
Coordinate and lay waste to your rivals in fierce PVP fighting combat iconic to the EXTREME VS. series. Join the battle with 183 units from the entire Gundam universe, each with different abilities ready to suit your play style. Choose between three different EX BURST Systems: FIGHTING BURST, EXTEND BURST and SHOOTING BURST!
Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme vs. Maxiboost ON will release on PS4 on July 30th!