In a surprise move today, Supercell announced plans to remove Troop training time from Clash of Clans. Beginning with the Spring 2025 update, there will be no Troop, Spell, or Siege Machine training time; your army will be ready to go again immediately after an attack. There will also be no Hero recovery time or Lives.
"It is a new era of Clash! You can now play as much as you want," Supercell wrote in a blog post detailing the new system chanage. "There will be no limits on your ability to attack over and over again, until your builders are busy and your storages are overflowing!"
Players have long been clamoring for the removal of training times, but Supercell admitted to being "scared" of such a big change as it they considered Training Time and Resource Costs to be part of the game's "secret sauce."
"We removed Training Costs a few years ago and… it was great!" Supercell said. "Players responded to the removal of training costs by making more varied attack strategies, and we saw player enjoyment of Clash rise. That gave us the confidence to make this even bolder change."
As gaming habits have changed over the past decade, Supercell acknowledged that Troop training times feel outdated. Players don't want to wait 15-plus minutes in between attacks. They simply move on to a new game.
By removing training times, you'll now be able to launch attacks to your heart's content. Supercell believes this change will help players learn battle mechanics faster and progress through early Town Hall levels quicker.
To avoid getting "stuck in the clouds" -- a side effect of having too many active players and not enough bases to attack -- Supercell is working on a new server tech called "Match Anytime." Under this system, if there aren't enough eligible bases, you have the change to attack a "snapshot base" of a real player.
Snapshot bases have actually been used in Clan Wars and Legend League for a whiel now, but the feature is finally being implemented into Multiplayer Battles. A "snapshot base" is the base of someone under Shield. You'll still gain loot and trophies, but the defender will not lose any loot or trophies since they are still technically under protection.
In anticipation of this major overhaul, Supercell is no longer selling Training Potions in any in-app purchase bundles. These Magic Items are being removed from the game, while Training Treat will also be removed from Chest rewards. The Training Perk in the Gold Pass track is also being replaced.
When the update goes live, all Donations will require Elixir or Dark Elixir. Supercell is still determining the exact values, "but the goal is that Donations remain accessible." Additionally, Clasn Castle Request timers are being changed to a flat 10 minutes for all players, allowing you to request more often. The Trianing Perk from Gold Pass is being replaced with a Donation Request Timer reduction, which will allow you to request more Clan Castle reinforcements after every battle.
Legend League will still limit you to eight attacks per day, although that may change in the future. "We intend on fixing this in a future update, but current data shows that most Legend League players do not complete their 8 battles already, so extending unlimited attacks to Legend League was pushed to a later date this year," Supercell explained.
Troop Training times will be removed in the Spring update, which should arrive in the next month or so. The Spring update for Clash of Clans is typically released in April, and Supercell did hint that an official preview followed by Sneak Peeks will be coming in the next few weeks.