Daemon X Machina is a mech action-adventure game developed by Marvelous Entertainment, which released for the Nintendo Switch as an exclusive title in September of last year; or so we thought, as new information reveals that it wasn't really an exclusive game.
Developer XSEEDgames has recently announced that
Daemon X Machina will no longer be a Nintendo Switch exclusive title, as the mech-battle game has now been confirmed to release on Steam; bringing with it a stable 60fps frame rate, and the same action-packed mech-on-mech action.
As per the announcement, XSEEDgames reveals that
Daemon X Machina will be becoming available on Steam on the
13th of February, while also releasing an action-packed trailer that gives players an idea of what to expect when the game launches next Thrusday.
Check it out:
When the moon tore apart, the sky bled red with light, ushering in an apocalyptic new age…and to survive, you must fight. As a mercenary, defend Earth through high-speed combat against corrupted robots in a series of missions from the cockpit of your Arsenal, a fully customizable mech. Equip your Arsenal with a vast array of parts and weapons, obtain more from downed enemy Arsenals, and swap them on the fly to suit your strategy in the face of ever-rising threats.
Daemon X Machina will become available on Steam on the 13th of February.