Shemue is an action-adventure game created by Yu Suzuki(
Virtua Fighter,
Virtua Racing), who is also the director, and developed by Sega. The game was released on the Sega Dreamcast in 1999 and, at the time, was the most expensive videogame ever created.
Shenmue got a sequel in 2001 but the series has since been on hiatus.
Shenmue III got a teaser back in August of 2017 but we really haven't had any news regarding the series...until now.
Shenmue I and
Shenmue II are making a comeback as Sega just revealed that both games are coming out for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. While we just got a teaser and not much else is know about the title, we can clearly see that game's visuals have been enhanced.
Take a look:
The year is 1986, the place Yokosuka, Japan. The normally tranquil day-to-day life of Ryo Hazuki
is suddenly and irrecoverably shattered by uninvited visitors. A man wearing dark green Chinese clothes appears
at the Hazuki family home with two black-suited thugs. This man uses a powerful style of martial arts, the likes of which Ryo has never before seen, to engage his father Iwao in a fierce battle. Ryo attempts to intervene and help his father, but the obvious disparity in power is too much. Ryo is beaten down and taken hostage as the man questions Iwao, “Where is the mirror.”
Shenmue I and Shenmue II are expected to come out for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC in 2018.