Richard said he could not find any images, sounds or references to these maps and notes that they could be concept ideas.
The first map that he mentions is the previously revealed Two Capture Point map, Horizon Lunar Colony, which is launching on the 20
th of June to the live servers of Overwatch.
The first new map is Maunganui or Mount Maunganui, situated in the city of Tauranga, New Zealand. Maunganui is said to be an Escort map, where attackers push a Payload across checkpoints until they reach the end of the map, whilst the defenders do everything they can to stop them. Richard notes that it makes sense that Maunganui is an Escort map as the real life Mount Maunganui is actually climbable to the public, so it could be that you escort the Payload to the top of the mountain.
The second map is Utopaea, set in India. Fans of Overwatch’s lore know that Symmetra comes from Utopaea, and that the map has been confirmed in the Overwatch universe. The map is listed as a Control map, meaning that we will see three maps with Utopaea, that will, hopefully, show off Overwatch’s India, what the Vishkar Corporation have built and maybe even the slums. The map, will, most likely, be littered with hardlight constructs (what Symmetra creates (like a member of a Lantern Corps)) and will have the Vishkar logo everywhere, similar to Dorado, which has the Lumerico logo placed all across the map.
The two upcoming maps will probably be revealed at Gamescom, Blizzcon or during a period void of events and new characters to maintain interest with new content (like the upcoming release of Horizon Lunar Colony).