In the newest animated short, which was unveiled during BlizzCon by Overwatch's game director Jeff Kaplan, we bear witness to a standoff between McCree and Ashe over some sort of sci-fi tech. McCree bests his former love interest-now nemsis and investigates the mysterious, technological pod wherein it is revealed to house another hero: Echo.
This means that the Reunion short introduced us to not one upcoming hero with Ashe but also another with Echo - or did it? While Ashe is wholly original, we have seen Echo at some point before. Back in 2014, Blizzard released Overwatch's Cinematic Trailer - which was the first real look we had of the highly-anticipated game. There's a moment in that video in which we see are good ol' buddies Tracer, Winston, Genji, and the rest, but also a couple of characters we aren't familiar with - even to this day.
There's a big red dude, someone who seems to be a combination of both Reinhardt and Pharah, someone in a Hazmat suit, and wouldn't you have guessed it; stood just behind Tracer you can see the sleek, futuristic robot who we now know is Echo. Albeit her design is ever so slightly different but it's undeniable that it is in-fact Echo - perhaps wearing some kind of face-mask.
You can see the shot in question at the timecode: 0:35 in the below trailer:
Which of the other mysterious heroes would you like to learn more about? What do you think about this four-year-long mystery finally being resolved?
Overwatch is out now on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.