Unlike the first installment, Titanfall 2 will have a single-player campaign. As revealed below in the behind-the-scenes featurette from Respawn, the single-player story follows Frontier rifleman and wannabe-pilot, Jack Cooper, whose superior (Captain Lastimosa) is killed behind enemy lines. With no one else left to carry out an important mission, it's up to a rookie pilot and the most advanced titan within the Frontier Militia (BT-7274) to get the job done. Respawn Game Director Steve Fukuda breaksdown the single-player campaign in the video below.
Titanfall 2 will be released on PC, Xbox One and PS4 on October 28.
Titanfall 2 features an all-new offline Single Player story. Experience gameplay requiring Jack and BT combining their abilities and risking everything to survive together... and sometimes apart. Whether fighting as a Pilot, the lightning-fast, elite guardians of the Frontier, or in a 20-foot-tall Titan, Titanfall 2 provides an incredibly fun, fluid, and thrilling combat experience. The plot focuses on Frontier Militia rifleman Jack Cooper, who aspires to be a Titan pilot. Stranded behind IMC lines, the protagonist must team up with a veteran Vanguard-class Titan named BT-7274, working together to uphold a mission he was never meant to carry out.
Start your journey as a Pilot : http://x.ea.com/6467
Pre-order Titanfall 2 today and get access to Angel City Map 3 days early: http://x.ea.com/6467
Titanfall 2 will be available on October 28 for the Xbox One, Playstation 4, and Origin for PC.