The Silent Hill franchise has been a cornerstone of both Sony and Konami for over 20 years. While the canceled Silent Hills title has put the franchise to rest for the foreseeable future, many of the previous title's creators haven't stopped creating.
The original Silent Hill was released back in 1998 and was created and directed by Keiichiro Toyama. From that point forward, Toyama spent his time working on other games other than Silent Hill, including the most recently released Gravity Rush series. With some time passed, IGN managed to spend some time with Toyama and ask what he has planned for the future; his answer, while it isn't Silent Hill related, was still exciting to hear.
According to the creator, his studio Bokeh Game Studio has plans to release a brand new horror/action-adventure title in 2023! Not much is known about the title as of yet; it has been confirmed that the game is in prototype development, and that is why the hope is that the game will release in only a few years.
While it may not be much in terms of information on the new game, it is always great to see a famous creator doing what they love. We would love to hear your thoughts on the news in the comments below!
The game follows Harry Mason as he searches for his missing adopted daughter in the eponymous fictional American town of Silent Hill; stumbling upon a cult conducting a ritual to revive a deity it worships, he discovers her true origin.
Toyama's new game is coming in 2023!