Max Payne 3 tells the story of a retired police detective embroiled in a world of corruption, turmoil and intense violence. The award-winning Max Payne franchise put players in the role of Max Payne, a hard-boiled New York City detective with a penchant for violence, out to avenge the death of his family. The latest installment delivers more of the classic elements and hyper-intense action that fans have come to love, while moving the story of Max in a new direction. Since leaving the NYPD and New York itself behind, Max has drifted from bad to worse. Double-crossed and a long way from home, Max is now trapped in a city full of violence and bloodshed, using his weapons and instincts in a desperate search for the truth and a way out.
Release Date: May 15, 2012
Publisher: Rockstar Games
ESRB Rating: Mature
Platforms: Xbox 360, PS3, PC
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