Toshiro Kasukabe, a youthful National Diet member and potential future prime minister, ends up traveling with the Phantom Thieves after being freed from captivity in the Metaverse! The character voiced by Tomoake Maeno (Kinro in Dr. STONE) is at the center of the current Persona 5 Tactica teaser. His political acumen may well be the ideal recipe for helping with the upcoming strategy-RPG.
Check out the official Twitter character trailer for Toshiro Kasukabe below:
Check out the other character trailers previously released below:
Ryuji Sakamoto
Ann Takamaki
On November 17, Persona 5 Tactica launches globally for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC via Steam.
Will you be playing the game when it releases this November? Drop a comment down below if you will, and let us know your thoughts on the upcoming Persona 5 Tactica launch too!