Octopath Traveler is a role-playing game developed and published by Square Enix for the Nintendo Switch. The game was one of the first third party titles shown for the console back in January of 2-17—during the official Nintendo Switch presentation.
The game has a very unique presentation with a graphic style that harkens back to RPGs from the 16-Bit era but with new lighting effects and what they call HD-2D graphics, which make for an interesting visual style that is nostalgic and new in its own way.
Octopath Traveler has players choosing among 8 playable characters from 8 different lands, as well as their different goals and means of achieving them. The interesting thing is that the game will give players the chance to experience every single one of the characters' tales in one single playthrough by selecting the starting protagonist and recruiting the others along the way.
This new overview launch trailer for
Octopath Traveler shows off the game's protagonists, their unique sets of skills, individual Path Actions, character-based abilities called Talents, the game's turn-based Battle System, skills, and the new Job system that allows players to have their characters take on additional jobs—different than the characters' starting jobs.
Check it out:
Eight travelers. Eight adventures. Eight roles to play in a new world brought to life by Square Enix. Explore each traveler’s story and use their abilities in and out of battle. Will you expand your horizons as the Merchant or track down a traitor as the Warrior? Where will you go? Who will join you? You alone can choose your path.
Octopath Traveler is available exclusively for the Nintendo Switch right now.