Nintendo revealed the successor to their handheld-hybrid console, the Nintendo Switch 2, just a few weeks ago, also announcing that a "series of hand-on events around the world" would be held ahead of the system's release later this year. Earlier this week, reports indicated that select guests had already begun to receive emails requiring them to confirm attendance.
The tour is expected to kick off on April 4th — specifically in the American and French cities of New York and Paris, respectively — before Nintendo holds more events in Asia, Australia, as well as other locations within Europe and North America.
At the moment, tickets for these exclusive events are fairly difficult to obtain, with Nintendo declaring on their official site that "Anyone who doesn’t already have an event ticket may join a waitlist on a first-come, first-served basis," further stipulating that "event tickets are non-transferrable and one-time use only."
As it turns out, per VGC, non-transferable tickets for these hands-on events, in which guests will have the opportunity to try out the Nintendo Switch 2 for themselves, are already being sold on eBay at extravagant prices.
The outlet notes that some of the tickets listed on eBay have already been taken down, pointing out that some of these were selling tickets as high as $1000 USD for the New York hands-on event, also noting that listings for the events being held in Italy, London, and Madrid are still live.
Nintendo has already announced that the Nintendo Switch 2 will be backwards compatible, allowing users to play both physical and digital Nintendo Switch games, but warning that there may be some exceptions, and some titles may not be supported at all.
With the console's official announcement, Nintendo also scheduled a special Direct presentation on Wednesday the 2nd of April in which more information about the Nintendo Switch 2 will be shared. From the get-go, the upcoming console looks like an improvement all around, with a bigger screen and Joy-Con controllers that are now magnetically attached to the tablet.
Nintendo also gave fans a first look at the next entry in the long-running Mario Kart series, which may as well be a launch title. Retail price, release date, and special features have yet to be revealed. Whatever the case, it is very unlikely that the console will be as expensive as the non-transferable tickets currently being sold on eBay.
The Nintendo Switch 2 is expected to hit store shelves later this year.