Last Week Sega launched their first titles for their Sega Forever program. The program was launched to give gamers a access to a bunch of Sega's old titles such as Sonic etc... Sonic the Hedgehog and Kid Chameleon have been launched, but have received a little bit of heat, due to the quality of the games. All in all it has been a pretty good success so far.
Due to the success of the launch, gamers are already wondering if the Sega Forever program will make it to consoles. Nintendo is already doing something like this by re-launching classic consoles with the original games, so why not broaden the reach of the program? Having the games would be much easier because you have the controller instead of having to deal with touch screens.
Sega's chief marketing director, Mike Evans, had this to say about the possibilities of the Sega Forever program at the Games Industry International.
“It’s a huge project and what I really want to do is get mobile right,” he stated. “After this, there are options: we can look at desktop, Facebook, we could even take these games to consoles like Switch.”
While this isn't a definitive answer to what gamers want, it still leaves the door wide open to the possibility of games entering the console world. The Switch makes perfect sense on paper, but we also think they would be a great addition to any platform.
The Sega Forever program could clash with the host of subsription plans that Nintendo (coming soon), Playstation and Xbox have, but it wouldn't be a deal breaker.
Would you want the program on other platforms or are you good with just mobile devices? Let us know what you think!