A new generation of players will get to know abotu Hideo Kojima thanks to
Death Stranding; a game that was in development pretty much since Kojima left Konami, and that was finally released last month for the PlayStation 4.
Those who have been following Kojima for a while, may know him as the creator of the critically acclaimed
Metal Gear series, particularly after
Metal Gear Solid originally released all the way back in the mid 90s, and know how thorough his story telling skills are.
As it turns out, Hideo Kojima never intended to become a video game developer, since he actually wanted to write novels; developing video games was an opportunity he took, but it wasn't really what he initially wanted to do.
Kojima reveals, in fact, that he also wanted to make movies at one point in his life, and eventually he discovered video games; realising that this form of media was the perfect opportunity to both write and be the director of his own video games.
The latest behind-the-scenes video for
Death Stranding reveals fun facts like the ones above, as well as some other interesting details about the development of his latest game, and more.
Check it out:
Sam Bridges must brave a world utterly transformed by the Death Stranding. Carrying the stranded remnants of the future in his hands, Sam embarks on a journey to reunite the shattered world one step at a time. What is the mystery of the Death Stranding? What will Sam discover on the road ahead? A genre defining gameplay experience holds these answers and more.
Death Stranding is currently available for the PlayStation 4.
PC version expected to release in Summer of 2020.