Fans of the Mobile Suit Gundam franchise have always had one desire, to pilot a mecha with a squad of their closest friends and defeat enemies in the coolest and most entertaining way possible. With how the world of video games has evolved over the years, that dream is one step closer to reality!
In Japan, the arcade scene is stronger now more than ever with cutting edge arcade games that push immersion with each passing year. One such game that is planning on pushing the envelope ever more is Mobile Suit Gundam: Senjou no Kizuna II.
Bandai Namco has created a brand new arcade game that allows for players to gather a small group of friends to participate in immersive squad-based battles that include a cockpit setting and pedals and joysticks to really make you feel like you're in a Gundam! A new trailer has dropped that gives a first-hand look at hte new game and can be seen below!
Hopefully, in time, this game can make it to the west, but until then, it looks like fans will have to take a trip overseas come next year! We would love to hear your thoughts on the game and trailer in the comments below!
Senjou no Kizuna II lets players battle in tactical Gundam warfare along with their friends.
Mobile Suit Gundam: Senjou no Kizuna II will hit arcades in Japan in 2021!