Yuji Naka, Lead Programmer of Sega's iconic Sonic the Hedgehog series, has recently made an interesting announcement on his Twitter account — as the developer low-key revealed that he's currently working on an "original action game" at Square Enix.
While this obviously isn't very telling, it is still quite interesting that he decided to reveal this on his birthday while he wonders how many more games he'll be able to make before he decides to retire.
Naka hasn't only been involved in the Sonic the Hedgehog series, as he's also been quite active as Programmer and Producer for the Phantasy Star series and Producer for the Puyo Puyo series; with the well-received Sonic Advance 2 being his last game as a Director.
Yuji Naka left Sega in 2007 because he had become one of the company's higher-ups and didn't have time to actually make games any more. Whatever it is this mysterious new action game that he's currently working on at Square Enix, we simply can't wait to see it. Happy birthday, Mr. Naka!