The Defusion mode offers up an experience which should be familiar to all. Two teams face off - one is carrying a bomb, the other tasked with bringing them down to avoid a terrible catastrophe. Arm or defuse?
However, cooperation is thrown out the window upon entering a Deathmatch lobby. No more cross-fire, no more strategies and no more allies - only foes. It’s a total free-for-all and only the most skilled will rise and shine above the fallen.
These two game modes are available on most of the battlefields in the game, including the 6 new maps released today. These combat zones offer an urban and industrial touch to Hazard Ops. From the heat of a foundry to the nerve-racking long corridors of a mall, mercenaries will have to tread carefully.
Whoever wants to join the mercenary forces of Hazard Ops can still register for the closed beta phase on the official website Additionally they can get their hands on the exclusive founder packs. Players who have questions regarding the beta can have a look at the FAQ section of the website. Play hard. Die Hard.