To the Moon tells the story of two doctors Dr. Rosalene and Dr. Watts traversing backwards through a dying man's memories to artificially fulfill his last wish. As the two doctors piece together the puzzled events that spanned elderly Johnny’s life time, they seek to find out just why the frail old man chose his dying wish to be what it is. The heartfelt game was released in 2011 and till this day remains one of the most beautiful adventures ever told in the video game form.
Developer Freebird Games has announced that
To the Moon is being made into a feature-length animated film. The upcoming movie adaptation has already been in pre-production for two years, and is a joint Chinese-Japanese venture, with China paying for the adaptation's budget (which is apparently "
above the level" of
Your Name), and Japan handling main production duties. In his latest video,
To the Moon creator Kan Gao said the "
first-tier" studios involved are "
pretty big players in the [Japanese] animation industry."
Gao also briefly touched on his role in the anime's creation. "
I won't have absolute control over the project," he explained, "
but I will be able to steer it in the right direction." Gao said that making games at Freebird is still his main job, and that he's "
started more actively working on the next game," which has not been announced just yet. His last game,
Finding Paradise is the sequel to
To the Moon.