Heaven Media are pleased to announce the winner of the Alienware Enter Area-51 competition, Paul “Paj” Jones, who takes home a state-of-the-art Alienware M17x laptop.
Over 500 gamers from a number of online communities took part in the “Enter Area-51 Challenge”, a competition shrouded in mystery, battling through the stages to get to the heart of Area-51. On their way they killed each other 85,000 times, and destroyed half a million virtual zombies during 1,000s of gameplay hours.
With such a prestigious title to be won, and such an eagerly eyed prize, the competition was always going to be keenly fought, and having seen the best of the best in Counter-Strike: Source teams at the Area-51 PRO Challenge, gamers from all around Europe entered to prove that they too could compete at the top level.
“I'm absolutely thrilled to win the competition, it was great fun and certainly different from anything else I have taken part in,” said the champion. “I'm really looking forward to slaying zombies in high detail on the fantastic M17x, I may have to take some time off to sleep first though!”
Paul was one of 51 gamers to make it through to Stage Two, and between them they managed to play an astounding 1,000 hours over just two weeks, notching up 3,000 games.
“This is our second gaming event with Alienware, after the success of Easter’s Gadget Show Live,” said Adam Godfrey, Business Development for Heaven Media. “With the previous event limited to professional players only this event opened it up to the masses, over 500 gamers took part, competing for prize, glory and of course the M17x laptop.”