New details have emerged about the upcoming Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning anime film! The film Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning will be debuting in Japan this month, and Toei Animation and Fathom Events just revealed that a special two-day screening of the film will take place in American theaters November 8-9! The U.S. premiere will span roughly 750 venues throughout the country. Both days of screenings will start at 7:00 p.m. local time on November 8 for the English dub and on November 9 for the original Japanese version with English subtitles.
A special introduction from director Tomohisa Taguchi will only be given at theatrical screenings. Along with the exclusive special message, the first 50 attendees of each night's screening will get a complimentary Digimon Card Game Tamer Party Pack -THE BEGINNING- ver 2.0! Attendees will be the first to obtain these packs, which contain three of the fourteen potential cards from the new deck honoring the movie, prior to the cards' official release in December. You won't want to miss out!
Learn more about the Digimon Adventure 02 The Beginning anime film below:
It’s 2012, and ten years have passed since the adventure in the Digital World. Daisuke Motomiya is now twenty, and he and the rest of the DigiDestined seem to be changing bit by bit in terms of appearance and lifestyle. Then one day, a giant Digitama suddenly appears in the sky over Tokyo Tower. Daisuke and the others encounter a mysterious young man named Lui Ohwada, who informs them that he’s the first ever DigiDestined in the world…
Key Visual
The film will once again be directed by Tomohisa Taguchi, and Akatsuki Yamatoya will return to write the screenplay, both of which were part of the LAST EVOLUTION. Yumeta Company is producing the film, with Toei Animation stepping in as the role of producer. Again, the film will be premiering in Japan at the end of October, and fans in North America will have access to the special 2 day showings in select theaters.
Watch the official trailer for the anime film down below and let us know what you think of it in the comments!
Will you be seeing the Digimon Adventure 02 The Beginning anime film? What are your thoughts on the newest addition to the Digimon franchise? Drop all your thoughts and comments down below and let us know what you think and if you'll be seeing it in theaters!, and/or the user who contributed this post, may earn commissions or revenue through clicks or purchases made through any third-party links contained within the content above.