Kingdom Hearts is an action-adventure role-playing video game series developed and published by Square Enix. Said series consists of thirteen instalments thus far and tells the tale of Sora and his adventures through the realms of various Disney, Pixar, and Square Enix worlds — such as Toy Story, Tangled, Final Fantasy, and many more.
The most recent instalment, Kingdom Hearts III, released back in January 2019 after almost a decade of tumultuous development and there's a mobile game, called Kingdom Hearts Dark Road, coming soon to iOS and Android devices that will explore the origins of the series' main antagonist — Xenahort.
That's not all for the future of Kingdom Hearts, though, as we now know that there's an animated Kingdom Hearts series in the works for Disney's streaming service. Quite a few reputable insiders recently made it known including Cinema Spot writer Emre Kaya, The DisInsider editor-in-chief Skyler Shuler, and Jeremy Conrad of MCU Cosmic. You can check out Shuler's tweet on the matter below.
What we can ascertain from the multiple reports is that Disney originally wanted to handle the animated series themselves but that idea fell through. Thus, Square Enix have been asked to put together an animated pilot using the Unreal Engine. They're currently casting and voice actors, such as Jim Cummings, Bill Farmer, Tony Anselmo, from the video game series will reprise their roles.