The third and final game in Compile Heart's Mary Skelter franchise, Mary Skelter Finale, is quickly approaching its fall release. The series initially began with Mary Skelter: Nightmares, for the Playstation Vita, in 2016. The sequel, Mary Skelter 2 released for the PS4 in 2018.
The latest game in the series has announced that it will feature a lot of new mechanics. As a 3D dungeon crawler RPG, the newest installment will also feature different parties. Thanks to the new zapping system, players will be able to switch to the various groups featured in the game at any point.
The game will also feature the ability to go back to previous game soundtracks, menus, and galleries of earlier games. There will also be an "Adventure Mode" for players to catch up on the previous games; and also be able to play the pre-order bonus from the last game, Love Prison Tower Mary Skelter.
In a recent reveal, Compile Heart also began streaming the opening video to the most recent game, showing off stellar animation and vibrant colors. As the game approaches release, it appears that the series is pulling out all the stops to make this the best Mary Skelter game released. Make sure to share your thoughts in the comments, and don't forget to check out the new video!
The protagonist, who is trapped in Jail, a “living prison” full of twisted creatures known as “Marchens,” aims to escape with the help of “Blood Maidens” who possess special powers. The story of Mary Skelter Finale opens with the following prologue: “A single match decides the ending of the jailbreak drama.
Mary Skelter Finale will release on the Playstation 4 and Switch on October 8th!