The landscape of mobile gaming covers multiple genres and gameplay types. From survival horror to action/adventure, there is always something for fans of video games to enjoy. Development company Netmarble is no stranger to adding multiple genres to their library, including the world of MMORPGs.
Released in 2016, Lineage 2: Revolution is a true to form MMORPG with a character creator and basic mechanics that can be found in its contemporaries. Since its release, the game has featured modes such as open-world gameplay and PvP battles. The game even boasts large scale battles that feature 200 players on one screen in real-time!
With its constant updates over the years, many could wonder how they will top themselves every time. Well, the August update proves that anything is still possible by adding in the Aden Castle Clan War, which is a siege fortress that, once played, can yield some exciting rewards like special titles, costumes, and Mount Pets. Those who do not compete may also obtain prizes during the Festival of ‘Aden Castle Clan War.’
Max player levels have all been increased to help those who take on the siege fortress gain an edge. As part of the update, all UR class gear can now be upgraded to the LR class. Will you be checking out the new update? We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!
Lineage 2: Revolution is a groundbreaking MMORPG bringing top-quality visuals, a massive open world and large-scale PvP to mobile devices. Powered by the Unreal Engine, the game features stunning visuals and large-scale open-world combat where up to 200 players can battle in real-time on a single screen – all in a gorgeous, fully featured, persistent world MMORPG that can be enjoyed alongside millions around the world and all within the palm of your hands.
Lineage 2: Revolution is free to download on the App Store and Google Play!