Detective Pikachu is only two months away and, following its recently released second trailer, has finally been officially rated by the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA). Serving as the first in what will presumably be a long line of live-action Pokemon movies, Detective Pikachu stars Ryan Reynolds and Justice Smith - the former of those will be voicing Pikachu himself.
Reynolds is most predominantly known for starring as the titular merc with a mouth in, the irreverent 2016 comedy, Deadpool. Given the seeming similarity between his roles as Detective Pikachu and Deadpool, many were under the impression that the upcoming Pokemon feature would earn an R-rating.
This is evidently not the case, as Exhibitor Relations Co. recently made clear when they tweeted out the film's actual MPAA rating - that being PG.
Detailing just what garnered the PG rating, their tweet went as such: “POKEMON: DETECTIVE PIKACHU: Rated PG for action/peril, some rude and suggestive humor, and thematic elements...and that folks is a goddamn miracle with Ryan Reynolds as the voice of Pikachu. The R-rated outtakes cut will be worth the wait.”
Detective Pikachu is set to arrive in theatres on May 10th, 2019.